There is an abundance of resources in US real estate: trillions of dollars, almost 2 billion acres of land, and 28 units of housing for every houseless person. Our housing resources are being mismanaged and our communities are suffering. People cannot afford their homes; we need to act now.

The good news is that organizations across the country are already doing inspiring work, but we need all hands on deck to build stronger communities. 

Because real estate agents own their own businesses and make a living directly from the housing market, they are uniquely positioned to make an impact. The resources exist, and we need to make sure they stay in our community. 

Steph Rojas is our real estate partner and believes that by adopting more regenerative practices in real estate, we can start to build a better housing system. Steph has committed to funding Housing Revolution Now through their real estate business and wants to redistribute the abundance through community-owned housing and neighborhood resources. Working with an agent committed to investing back into the community benefits everyone.

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